Monday 21 May 2007

Kicking Back

I don't have much interesting to post. We spent the weekend at home relaxing. Russell was recovering from a pub crawl Friday night with the guys from work, so he wasn't too interesting in venturing out. We did go out for a picnic on Sunday and a stroll around the downtown. The weather has been very nice over here. We've had a few light showers, but mostly sunshine and light breezes. Can't beat it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Russell, you kill-joy! The cheese ratings are great and very accurate. Take the description of the Mull cheese for instance, highly descriptive of some Mull's I know; slightly related to the Swiss (partial German heritage), generally mild mannered, sweet but getting a tad soft around the middle. Russell, do we have to change our name to Sourpuss Cheddar, sharp tasting with a bitter aftertaste? This is a call to action!! WWWAGED? What would Wallace and Grommet Do?