Monday 3 May 2010

Flying home

Dear gentle reader,

I have had the privilege of being a guest at the Mull's residence for the past two weeks. Here is what I have learned:

Japan is not America. The people here have been living on these islands for about 32,000 years. Their language is quite different; their customs are somewhat different, and the place they have created is not the same as my American home, to say the least.

What does that mean? Japan is another example of what people can do with their lives -- it shows there is an alternative to your home town, to your customs, and that alternative is rich, aware, steadfast and complex.

It's another confirmation that we can shape our home town, that we can create the world we want to live in and be a part of -- granted, it may take a few hundred years of refinement, but such is life.

With that, here's to our dreams: Here's to being outside, eating good food, raising a good family, making art -- writing, dancing, music making -- traveling, experiencing other things, relaxing, building and relating -- to our lives.


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