I did manage to get the ring off, and there was a nasty red welt going all the way around my finger. I had learned my lesson, and left it alone no matter how badly it itched (and it really did itch badly). Then I was bitten AGAIN. This time I got two bites - one between each finger on the same hand as my new red wedding welt. Super! I fought the urge to itch for about five more days - but the funny thing was that the bites didn't get better. The welt on my finger started to look less angry, but it was still itching badly. The bites between my fingers were getting worse and worse and starting to look uncannily like poison oak. I started getting suspicious. Finally this morning, after an especially bad flare-up of itchiness, I decided I needed to go to the doctor. It had now been 10 days of these "bites" getting progressively worse. I had changed my diagnosis and was now convinced I had somehow come in contact with poison oak/ivy/sumac of some variety (though I had pretty much been isolated to my house for the flu week, and had only been at the school this last week...). I called my boss and asked where I should go to get the rash looked at. She recommended a dermatologist nearby, and even called them in advance to make sure of their hours, to explain the situation, and to ask if anyone there could muddle through with some English to help us. They gave her the green light, so Russell and I went over.
Now, we haven't exactly had to deal with any aspect of the medical system here in Japan, and we were pretty worried. Everything went surprisingly smoothly, though. When we arrived they immediately connected us with the phone call from my boss. The receptionist gave us some medical forms to fill out, so we got to work. I would have been totally lost at this point, but luckily, Russell was a champ and was able to translate everything with a few quick referrals to his dictionary. He was especially proud of himself for understanding the question about whether I was pregnant or nursing. It turns out he had just learned how to read that kanji from a beer advertisement on the train warning women not to drink alcohol while they were pregnant or nursing. Bonus points for being observant! The only question we weren't able to figure out was one that Russell translated as: "Do you have any hobbies/activities?" Like knitting? Grading papers? Russell checked the dictionary and it agreed with him, so we asked at the front. The receptionist explained that they were asking about activities like hiking that might lead to skin issues. Since we hadn't been up to any of that lately (alas) we marked "no."
Next adventure: talking TO the dermatologist. It turned out that he spoke a bit of English. At least, he certainly knew the names of a wide range of skin ailments in English - and he was quite willing to use whatever else he could to explain. He was relieved that Russell was pretty much able to hold the whole interview in Japanese, though, so we fell back to that. He looked my fingers over and took some skin samples. He checked with his microscope and determined that it was not a fungal infection (which I had also wondered about since it was between my fingers and under my ring), but he also didn't agree with my poison ivy assessment. What kind of ring had I been wearing? he wanted to know. White gold. Aha. Turns out I have developed an allergy to nickel. This won't surprise my mother (who is also allergic to nickel) but it sure as heck surprised me. I had been wearing the ring for, what? Three years now? Perhaps you as readers are more aware of this than I was, but yes, even after ten years, a person can develop an allergy to a ring. Unfortunately, that means I can't wear my wedding ring anymore. On the bright side, it means I get to buy a new, awesome, Japanese ring made of platinum to replace it. Score! This was, of course, the first thing Russell thought of as well. The dermatologist was very sympathetic.
All in all, the experience was very easy. Russell's Japanese was superb - not only getting the task done but allowing for some joking around with the doctor. Very well done. We got some ointment and some anti-itching pills and we were ready for our next adventure of the day: Back up Mount Maya!
This was a problem, because Russell still really wanted to try it. We had seen it being made on a TV drama we both really liked, and it looked both fun and delicious. On the television program the main character explains in detail how to make the perfect okonomiyaki - he has a special way to stir the ingredients, a special way to pour them out onto the grill, and a special way to flip the result. He is very meticulous - and then, of course, is told by the owner of the establishment that all you really have to do is mix everything up and slap it on the grill, it all tastes the same. Russell was a little bit intimidated by the "mixing and flipping yourself" bit, but when he discovered that some restaurants do that for you, he was much more keen to try. We went to another restaurant and while Russell was pleased, this okonomiyaki was not only still not sitting well for me, it wasn't nearly as delicious. I was feeling the need to take Russell to yet another okonomiyaki place so he could see just how good it could be, but I never got around to it. The place we went to this afternoon, though, was ideal. It was lighter than the okonomiyaki I had had the first time, but it was still very high quality. There were three different styles to be had and they were all delicious. It was the perfect meal after a hike. I had mochi and shrimp in mine - the mochi was a bit of an adventure for me - I had only had it in desserts previously - but it was excellent. It added to the texture without adding to the richness. Two thumbs up.
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