Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Just a quick update

I have several posts brewing, but this is just a mini-post.
The weather has significantly cooled down in the last few days. Suddenly it is regrettable to be caught outside after dark without a sweater.

Along with the lovely weather came the lovely persimmons. Right now is sweet persimmon season. I haven't seen the bitter ones yet. The dried bitter persimmons will be in the stores closer to winter. I love both and am enjoying as many as possible while the season is on. They have only been out a week or two and Russell and I have already mowed through two rather large bags. They aren't fully ripe yet, but we aren't waiting.

This weekend is the Osaka Lindy Exchange. Three full days of swing! I even lucked out this time and my school's festival is Sunday and Monday (national holiday) so I can catch the festivities AFTER the exchange instead of trying to run back to Kobe, make an appearance and race back to the dancing. It was quite a chore last year and I'm looking forward to just enjoying each event as it comes this year. I'll have a post in a few weeks.

I am thrilled with the new chilly weather. I love Autumn and am perfectly happy bundled up in winter, so its a win all around. Plus, we get our first New Year's guest this year! My good friend and previous co-worker, Lis, is coming to visit. I have visions of a midnight hike to see the sun rise, praying at the local temple, making nabe while huddling under the kotatsu, eating bags of mandarin oranges while watching the New Years variety show and exploring a box of New Year's auspicious treats together. So much fun. I love New Years in Japan more and more as I learn the ropes.

So two seasons of awesome just getting under way. SO glad summer's time is up.

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