Sunday, 5 July 2009

Ring Order is In

We returned to the ring shop today and made our final order. We have to wait two weeks until the wax mold is made, then we can try the ring again for size and make sure we still like the design. Finally, in about a month, the ring will be finished.

Our jeweler friend came and sat with us again today to act as translator if needed. He explained that he had never been on the selling end of the business before. He didn't look too comfortable with it, but we were very glad to have him. At one point, Russell went off to put in his PIN for the down payment, and the jeweler indicated to me that he was a little bit worried he had opened a Pandora's box when he invited the designer to get involved. I don't think he realized that once the designer joined the show the selling would get so aggressive. He may also not have been aware that there was an extra charge for a customized design. I'm not entirely sure. He definitely seemed to feel out of place being on the selling side of things. As Russell pointed out later, people who make things and people who sell things are a different breed. I assured the jeweler that we were happy with the result (and we are). Did I mention we really like this guy, though? It turns out his partner will be the one who actually makes the ring, but that's okay.

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