Friday 22 April 2011

Health Check 2011

It was health check time again this Thursday. I have a love-hate relationship with this time of year. On one hand its a huge invasion of privacy, but on the other hand, its a very thorough physical all done in less than an hour. I don't have to go anywhere for it (its done at school) and it s free!

Not to mention that in a few weeks I will get my results mailed to me neatly lined up against my previous years' results so I can see if I have had any changes (good or bad) over time.

At the same time, it involves standing around chatting with co-workers while holding a cup of urine, stripping for an EKG, giving blood samples, and getting a chest X-ray (which may require more stripping if you accidentally wore an underwire bra.

At least the actual check is finished. Now I can just sit back and wait for my results.


Anonymous said...

Smile, Jaci. Health checks only get worse as you grow older! Neil says that you don't know that we're constant lurkers. We are. We're fascinated by your life abroad.

Cheers, Auntie Kathy

Jaci said...

Russell just informed me yesterday that the two of you and Larry have been lurking. Glad to hear it! Sometimes I worry that its only my grandmother that keeps subjecting herself to my blog.