Saturday, 19 June 2010

What the weather's up to

The weather has been pretty unpredictable lately. We didn't get much of a spring. It continued to be cold until about April, then it warmed up a bit, then cold, then some rain, then a little humid, then cold. It certainly wasn't predictable. All the rain kept us thinking we were hitting an early rainy season, but in spite of a few humid days, the weather always cleared up. Often we had our nicest weather right after a rain.

That has now ceased. The temperatures and humidity are now steadily building. Our air conditioner is on and its less than pleasant to stroll around outside. It isn't bad yet... if this were as bad as it got we would have nothing to complain about. But this is just the beginning. And its only June. August and maybe even September is usually the peak of the heat and humidity, so we've got a ways to go.

Of course, the weather hasn't been predictable yet, so maybe there will be some respite.

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