Thursday, 4 February 2010

Round Two for Rockstar Russell

Russell's first band (Green Day cover band) wasn't really working out. The bass player quit before Russell started (he had to get a job) and the drum player was sick and then too busy. Russell met up with the other guitar player a few times, but it had fizzled out lately.

Finally having given up and reinvigorated by Rock Fujiyama, Russell went searching for a new band. He seems to have found one, too. Now, instead of Green Day covers, he's going to try covering Ai Otsuka. She would be more in the "super sugar coated Japanese pop" category. All of her albums include the word Love. Of course, her name, Ai, also means love, so she isn't JUST being girly.

Russell met with the band today (or at least some of the band members) and he has hope for this group. He hasn't played with them yet, but he seems impressed so far. I think what he's really hoping for is a band where he's not quite up to snuff and can rise to the challenge. In the meantime he will assume as much and hope he is good enough to at least be kept once they do meet again and start playing.

Time to tune the 'ole axe.

English to Japanese word of the day: "Akogi"

Submit your guesses in the comments. Your hint? Russell learned it today when he met with the band.

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