Sunday, 2 August 2009

Watching the Waistline

Or not, as the case may be...

When we first got to Japan, we were both enthusiastic about trying everything new and a little homesick (and therefore seeking comfort food) so we basically pigged-out. After a few weeks of that, we got a bit more under control. We tried to avoid the French bakeries (most of the time) an ate at home more. I also started walking to work - at least one way most days - and Russell started running. As the weather got hotter I abandoned walking and started running at night with Russell. We were both pretty proud of ourselves.

Unfortunately, having guests kind of put the brakes on the whole healthy living thing. We wanted to share all of the most tasty treats Japan had to offer, and we didn't want to lose any time with our friends while we had them, so the running was put on hold.

With all of this in mind, I went out to "coffee" with my Japanese teacher after our Japanese lesson together on Saturday. She has explained to me that going to "coffee" in Japan (at least if you are a girl) means going to eat cake. The coffee is completely optional. Please note exhibit A. I had the cranberry custard cake. It looks like cheesecake, but it was a much less sweet custard on the bottom with lovely tart cranberries in the top. It was delicious. I immediately regretted it. Well, no, thats not really true. I probably should have regretted it, but I can't honestly say that I did.

I did, however, complain about my new non-exercising, decadent dessert eating ways with Russell. Being the ever supportive spouse that he is, he worked out a solution for me. Note exhibit B. I will have you note that "Zero: Tasty Draft" is truth in advertising at its best. It is truly zero tasty. I think I will opt instead for a little renewed self control.

1 comment:

Justin said...

I'm sure this doesn't help, but your post title reminded me of a local breakfast place we have here -- Fat Albert's Breakfast Café. They have a sandwich board out front with the slogan "A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind".