Monday 10 August 2009

Nature doin' its darndest

Hi all,

In case you hear any scary news reports about earthquakes and or typhoons hitting Japan, please rest assured that neither have directly impacted Russell and I.

The earthquake hit off the coast of Tokyo around 8 pm yesterday. Apparently one person in our city reported feeling it, but no one else (including Russell or I) did. It was a fairly big quake but it was focused out in the ocean. I don't think there was any damage in Tokyo.

The typhoon hit closer to home. In our prefecture, even! The last two days have been pretty soggy, but the rain was never too heavy. It just felt like more rainy season here. On the opposite end of the prefecture, though, they got hit really hard. Apparently the water was up to people's necks and cars were floating away. If you see any disaster footage coming out of Japan, that's what you'll be seeing. I'm not sure the international news will be so interested, though.

In any case. Russell and I are totally fine. Nothing to worry about there.

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