Friday, 2 August 2013

Mug Shot

Today I had another doctor's visit. Everything was healthy and average. The baby's weight is estimated at 1857g (If I am remember correctly) which is just about 4lbs. 

The last few appointments have been kind of anti-climactic for ultrasounds. In the past, the baby was small enough that you could see most of him in the view and it made it easier to tell what you were looking at. The last few visits he has gotten big enough that we can't really tell what we're looking at. The doctor always stops to measure the head and the femur and to verify which direction the baby is positioned, and we may catch a glimpse of the heart or skull, but that's about it. The last two or three visits, the doctor has tried to take a picture of the baby's face, but he hasn't been terribly cooperative. Usually she manages something, but its typically been rather skeletal. Fun to see development, but kind of disconcerting when you think of displaying it on the mantle. 

Today, we went through the same routine, but the baby had turned around and his face was very visible. He actually looked like a proportional baby and I could see his features, not just his skull. It was exciting. Apparently the doctor thought so too, because she immediately turned on her 3D imaging software - which as far as I can tell renders the image to make the skin look opaque so you can make out features better. From what I can tell, the 3D image is purely for the benefit of the parents. Many places market it as an up-sell. Russell and I had decided against getting a 3D image (its kind of creepy sometimes) but it does make it easier to tell what you're looking at. This time around was on the doctor. I think she was just excited to get such a clear angle and wanted it to be as clear as possible. 

I kind of wish I could have had the original ultrasound, too, but the doctor kindly gave me the 3D image as a gift, so I didn't say anything. 

Its a close up of his profile. You can see the side of his face with some random anatomy along the top and bottom of the picture.

And here he is:

Not even born and I'm showing off photos of him... Its only going to get worse, you know. 

1 comment:

Nicole said...

A picture!!! Yay! I'm mad I've neglected your blog lately. Sorry.