It wasn't all work, though, and during those first four or five days I managed to pack a lot of side activities in - mostly in the evening when the students were settled in. One highlight was the chance to meet up with some high school friends, who were in town for a high school reunion. I got to stay with my father and his lovely significant other. This led to one of the best (and most unexpected) highlights of those first four days - a Norwegian feast! I am definitely a fan of Norwegian goat cheese - which, it turns out, I can get here in Kobe (at an exorbitant price). Maybe for a special occasion...
Another highlight was definitely seeing my kitties. They have been living the good life with some Russell's coworkers. They seemed to be thoroughly spoiled and content. I don't think Manu (the black cat) was too interested in seeing me again, but I did get clear recognition from Mavis (the mostly white cat). She popped up right away when she heard my voice. I was happy she hadn't forgotten me, though I can tell she is quite cozy in her new digs.
And another highlight that cannot go unmentioned, the chance to meet up with the knitting club from the English department at the University. It was wonderful to see old friends and do some mutual bellyaching about working conditions. It was amazing how similar our situations turned out to be. Who would have though? Catching up with everyone was wonderful. I miss working with every one of them and I especially miss the tight-knit (no pun intended, ouch!) community.
From there I moved out of my dad's house and into my mom's house. Mom and I tore up and down I-5 for about three days. We visited my brother in Eugene and had another nice long catching up session. Jared was off to Burning Man shortly after I saw him. I haven't heard how it went, but I hope he had a good time. Next, mom and I headed up to the Portland area for some shopping. I am much more stylish now. Lots more chatting followed the shopping and once again, it felt very good to catch up on everything that has been happening. Of course, we talk all the time online, but its not the same as talking to someone in person.
So that's what I was up to during those weeks of silence. I will post about what Russell was up to during my absence as well. Of course, I know less of this (perhaps for the better?) But he did have some excellent stories to tell.
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